Theoretical Framework

 Wednesday 29th September 2021

L/0: to apply theoretical framework to media texts 

Media Language 

All the different elements used to construct any media products 

Establishing scenes tell you where the scene takes place. 


Camerawork is the way a filmed has been filmed. There is many different angles: eye level shot, low angle shot, high angle shot, hip level shot, knee level shot, ground level shot, shoulder-level shot and dutch angle shot. A camera movement refers to the way a camera shifts to visually narrate and shape a viewers perspective of a scene.Effective and well-placed camera movements make for a professional-quality final product.


Includes ALL sound heard in a film/TV show

- Music 

- Sound effects 

- Dialogue 

- Voice over 

It can be diegetic or non diegetic. Diegetic sound is a noise which has a source on-screen. They are noises which have not been edited in, for example dialogue between characters or footsteps. Another term for diegetic sound is actual sound. Non-diegetic sound is a noise which does not have a source on-screen, they have been added in.


Editing includes all the post production work on a moving image. Transitions, pace and speed of cuts, cgi, green screening and graphics all come under editing. 


the arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.


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