Media Language Analysis

 Wednesday 6th October 

LO: To analyse a media text using media language 

They have used a medium long shot to show that James Bond is holding a gun and the holster on his left leg. This is better than a long shot because you can see close up details such as his watch, gloves, his gun and facial expressions in the medium shot. Bond is wearing a watch to show wealth as his sleeve is tucked underneath it. He looks like a professional hitman and is wearing black gloves. The film is called 'no time to die' maybe meaning something about the watch. 

Gunshot - To show the action and danger in the film

Car crashes - To add to the excitement 

Motorbikes -  

Helicopter - To add vehicles and show they go to different places

Punches - To show physical hard violence 

The transitions in the trailer was fade to black to show the different fun scenes in the movie The pace of the trailer at the end goes faster to show intensity and to be dramatic with the music. 

The camera shot is at a low angle to make the characters look more powerful 

The character is wearing a tuxedo to make him look more professional. The american flag shows that its set in america and the smoke and flames show its an action film. 

13.10.21 - His facial expression shows he is sad because his head is down. 

Soundtrack for the trailer of Dune 

-  swords clashing 

- shouting

- planes

- music                    

In the Dune trailer, soundtrack is used effectively to show the suspension with the music. For example, in the scene where the man and the boy are fighting with swords clashing and shouting to show intensity, the director also makes the music louder throughout the scene transitions. This creates the impression of suspense and makes the audience want to watch the movie. 

Halloween kills


  1. This is a great first analysis Leah! Well done.
    WWW: you've used some accurate terminology
    EBI: you try to use the term 'connotes' or 'connotations' as well.


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