
 Monday 11th October 

To explore the use of characterisation in a film 

1. Tom cruise 

2. Leonardo De  Caprio 

3. Daniel Radcliffe 


Case Study Characters 


-Protagonist (hero) 

- Antagonist (villain) 




- main character - Helen

Antagonist - Candyman 

Propp Theory 

Hero - Generally leads the narrative, has a quest or has to solve something; wants to succeed; can be any gender 

Villain - Struggles against the hero; seen as morally bad; attempts to stop hero from achieving goal 

Donor - Gives the hero something special; enables hero to complete quest

Helper - Supports hero; appears at critical moments; their limitations to help define hero

Princess - Can take two forms: the object sought by the hero or the reward

Dispatcher - Sends the hero on the mission

Father - Gives a task to the hero 

False Hero - Appears to act heroically and often mistaken for the real hero


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