Magazine Front covers

Wednesday 27th April 2022 

To identify the features on  a magazine front cover; to explore genre codes and conventions 

Masthead - The masthead is the printed matter in a magazine that gives the title and details of ownerships, advertising rates and subscription rates. Most magazines will put the masthead at the top done in a specially designed typeface to stand out. 

Dateline -  dateline is a brief piece of text included in news articles that describes where and when the story was written or filmed, though the date is often omitted. A monthly magazine usually hits the news - stands the month before the cover date

Main Image - The main image of the magazine cover is usually a representative illustration of the content within the magazine. It should best reflect what the issue is all about. Big magazines typically portray a well-known celebrity or a visually appealing image that easily triggers an emotion. The big image on the front of the magazine. 

Cover Lines - Cover lines are normally distributed around the main image without detracting from it too much. They often follow a colour scheme and are the same font but vary in size, capitalisation and boldness.

Main Cover lines - This is very large - Taking up about a quarter of the cover area - and comes in three layers, each with a different colour. Note it is positioned against the model's shoulder so it shows up clearly. detracting from it too much. Promotes what the main feature will be. It usually coincides with the main image. 

Bar Code and Price - Standard bar code used by retailers, displayed in UK magazines since 1988. Will often include publication dateline and price. 

Tagline / Strapline - Short, sharp description of the titles main marketing point 

Pull Quote - A preview of a quote taken from the feature article inside. 


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