
Showing posts from April, 2022

Magazine Front covers

Wednesday 27th April 2022  To identify the features on  a magazine front cover; to explore genre codes and conventions  Masthead - The masthead is the printed matter in a magazine that gives the title and details of ownerships, advertising rates and subscription rates. Most magazines will put the masthead at the top done in a specially designed typeface to stand out.  Dateline -   dateline is a brief piece of text included in news articles that describes where and when the story was written or filmed, though the date is often omitted. A monthly magazine usually hits the news - stands the month before the cover date Main Image -  The main image of the magazine cover is usually a representative illustration of the content within the magazine . It should best reflect what the issue is all about. Big magazines typically portray a well-known celebrity or a visually appealing image that easily triggers an emotion. The big image on the front of the magazine.  Cover Lines - Cover lines are nor

News Day Evaluation

Wednesday 27th April 2022 To evaluate and review our News Day project  Me and my group worked on the cannabis raids in Bodmin which resulted in seizures of 1000 plants. We interviewed PC Pickings to help us with knowing more about this.  I enjoyed interviewing the police officer and finding out more things about cannabis raids and listening to the funny parts while editing.   I least enjoyed the editing the funny parts out because it cut out some of the talking.  The skills i learnt was how to edit such as green screen, edit on iMovie. I learnt in the News Process how to use the camera and set it up for my group and others.  If i did the report again i would improve how i laughed a lot and try not too so it wont cut out the interview and make sure too fully charge the camera before using it so it would not cut out the first part of the interview and make sure the camera focused before recording as it was blurry.