Music Magazines

Monday 22nd January 2024 


Question 2 

Question 3 

 Link positive themes such as youth or romance to the artists to promote them 

Create social or political messages 

Question 4 

 Representation is how someone or something is presented 


he is old 

she is young 

Question 5 

The media language used is very different. Which creates different messages 

-  body language

- colour

- typography

Wednesday 20th March 2023 

Music Magazines 

To explore the magazine industry ownership, regulation and revenue. 

What are the elements of a magazine cover design?

  • Masthead.
  • Issue and dateline.
  • Main image.
  • Lead article.
  • Supporting cover lines.
  • Bar code.

Conglomerate - a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as music, television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.

Globalised - the universal integration of media through the multicultural exchange of ideas. Global media includes all forms of mass communication that reach every corner across the globe. 

Diversify - where a media company moves from producing one type of product to creating different media forms

Regulation - a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority

Revenue -  complete amount of money that is generated during a specific time period

Circulation - a count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed

Who Publishes: 

Whats on TV - Times Inc and IPC Connect. 
Radio Times - Immediate Media Company 
TV Choice - H. Bauer Publishing
Take a break - Bauer Media Group
Good Housekeeping - Hearst Communications
Glamour - Condé Nast Publications
Inside Soap - Hearst Communications 

Bauer Media 

- Ranging over 80 Bauer Media UK magazines


  • Q began as a music magazine published monthly in the United Kingdom. ...
  • Kerrang! is a brand that specialises in rock music. ...
  • Empire is a monthly film magazine. ...
  • Closer was launched by Bauer Media in 2002. ...
  • Motor Cycle News (MCN) launched as a newspaper in 1955.

The company has diversified the MOJO brand, offering online in order to reduce the risk of only operating in one media form.

It operates over 150 radio brands, including Absolute Radio, KISS, Hits Radio Network, Magic, RMF, and Mix Megapol.

- Bauer media group is a diversified media conglomerate It is a multimedia conglomerate operating all over the world: it is represented in 17 countries.

ISPO regulates magazines and newspaper 

Who owns MOJO Magazines - Bauer 

Who regulates MOJO Magazines - ISPO and Impress 

How are British magazines globalised - Britain as an imperial power laid the basis for an early form of globalisation of economy and politics and, to some extent, culture. 

Bauer media has diversified, what does this mean - Operating a multimedia conglomerate all over the world

How do magazines gain revenue - Digital Advertising 

I think there has been a dramatic fall in magazines sales in the past 10 years because you can get all information online for free instead of buying a magazine. 

Monday 17th April 2023 

Music Genres 

To identify and explain different music genres. 

Music Genres:

- Rock 
- Pop
- Country 
- Hip - Hop 
- Jazz 
- Opera 
- Instrumental
- Rap 
- K-pop 
- Heavy Metal 
- Classic 


Rock artists normally wear dark leather clothing, long hair, facial hair, rock is a strong beat, the use of blues forms and the presence of rock instruments such as electric guitar, electric bass, electric organ or electric piano. They sing about rebellion against "The Establishment", social concerns, and life styles.


Pop artists wear in-fashion clothing which are normally bright colours with make up and hair done. Pop is about love and relationships with a good rhythm and catchy melody. 


Country artists are normally in jeans, big belts, hats and tight tops with a guitar. Country music is known for its ballads and dance tunes (also known as "honky-tonk music") with simple form, folk lyrics, and harmonies accompanied by instruments such as banjos, fiddles, harmonicas, and many types of guitar (including acoustic, electric, steel, and resonator guitars). They sing about working class Americans and blue-collar American life.


Pop music is generally for the younger generations 16-25 year olds. 
Contemporary hit radio (also known as CHR, contemporary hits, hit list, current hits, hit music, top 40, or pop radio) is a radio format that is common in many countries that focuses on playing current and recurrent popular music as determined by the Top 40 music charts.

Pop artists: 


The lyrics of modern pop songs typically focus on simple themes – often love and romantic relationships – although there are notable exceptions.

They wear in fashion, modern clothes

Monday 15th May 2023 

Music Magazines 

To explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines 

1. This is a rock magazine because it is black & white with electric guitars and keyboards. They are dressed in leather jackets and shoulder cut t shirts with heavy dark make up. The font is also big and bold with a rock-like font. They also look like they are shouting which is linked to the genre. 

2. This is a pop magazine because of the bright colours and they way she is dressed. She is in a dress covered in flowers with a more softer font. 

3. This is rap magazine because of the way he is dressed, he is in a tilted cap and  

Typography - T
he style and appearance of words. 
Layout - Magazine layout is the placing on the page.

Colour palette -  Colours that compliments the core feature image or style. 

Lexis - Words that are used - rock - heaven and hell. 

Mise en scene - Outfit, props, make-up, setting, location. 

Typography - There is use of sans serif and serif typography with a black font but also some colour in it. 
Layout - The cover lines are on the left because the main image is on the right however the puff is on her image. 
Lexis - "Queen of pop" pull quote.
Colour palette - Background is pink and the writing is mainly black but also has some colour like blue or yellow. 
Mise en scene - Covered in flowers, Flowy dress, Soft make up to create a summer look. 

1. c
2. d
3. a
4. e
5. b

Monday 5th June 2023

Genre & Target Audience 

To identify target audiences for a variety of music magazines genres and link to genre codes

- Font
- Image 
- Puff
- Cover Lines
- Main Cover Line
- Colour 
- Masthead 

- Age 
- Interests 
- Gender 
- Ethnicity 
- Lifestyle

Demographics look at the factual data like age, gender, marital status and income. 

Psychographics look at lifestyles, behaviours and attitudes. 

The Kerrang magazine is aimed at a target audience of people who want to live loud at festivals and gigs. 

Monday 19th June 2023

- sophisticated colour palette
- guitar
- classic costume
- natural make up

Mojo Audience 

To explore and define the magazines target audience 

Mojo genre: classic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic and experimental
Publisher: Bauer Media group
Target Audience: 30-40+ 

The most successful magazines during the time of intense competition from online media have been at the quality end of the market - the luxury brands.

Features of luxury brands - high quality photographer, familiar conventions and sophisticated media language using quality printing on glossy paper.

Mojo has some aspects of the quality magazine but it only has semi-glossy and uses lighter-weight paper. 

Mojo covers established and current musicians 

Every month Mojo brings you a definitive cover feature on an iconic act

Class system 
- money
- education
- professional
- university education 

- less money
- skilled / non skilled job 

WC reads the weekly 
MC reads the monthly 

Niche audience - Very specific target audience 

Mojo is different to most magazines 
- equal share of MC and WC readers
- 4x more likely to be read by men
- 65% are over 35 but a higher proportion of 15-34 year olds read it. 

1. Spotify, Youtube and Amazon music. 

1. Gives information on what people don't know about Amy Winehouse 
2. Information about her personal life 

Monday 3rd July 2023 


To review and reflect on the EOY exam and set personal targets. 

Question 1: Regulator of radio in the UK:  Ofcom 
Film: BBFC 
Advertising: ASA 
Magazines & Newspapers: IPSO & IMPRESS 

Question 2: Videos may use linear narratives telling a story of the song or performance montages to draw attention to the song or performances. In teenage dirtbag the narrative story is a stereotypical high school with the popular boy and girl and the geek. And is also about love. However, in Sk8er Boi, everyone is see as rebels and dangerous by motorcycles, graffiti and illegal gigs. These both contrast because the two narratives are very different. 

Question 3:
- Music type
- Pop genre
- Mix of genre 
- Mix of age 
- Local news , traffic , competitions

- Wider range of advertisers to earn money
- Mass audience
- Local listeners 

R1 live lounge: 
- PSB - TV License 
- Follow the remit 
- 15-29
Support upcoming artists - UK
Live music 

Question 7: 

To strengthen the brand image and its franchise so audience develop greater brand awareness of the film and any sequels. 

Question 8: 

U+G Blumer and Katz's 

Audiences like, participate and watch media because one or more of those:

P - Personal identity - recognising themselves
I - Information - learn about characters 
E - Entertainment - interesting, fun, exciting, adventure 
S - Social interaction - Talk about it, lego sets, video game, merchandise

Monday 11th September 2023 

Do Now

- I think the target audience is men and women because Drake appeals to both genders because he creates music and the colours are neutral. 

- Education - posh , musical education, sophisticated language, specialised long-linked to music 

Active audience 

A magazine audience is an active audience because you can chose which magazine you buy and what pages you read 

Uses and gratification 

P - Personal Identity 
I - Information 
E - Entertainment 
S - Social interaction 

Shows personal identity by having cross hanging from her nose showing her rebellious identity. Influencing others to recognise their identity. 

On the contents page you can get information of what is going on, who is featuring, how to buy, books,  albums. Gives information about the magazine to influence you to buy it. 

Entertainment - Gossip , free gifts , striking visuals and attractive stars. Offers an escape from every day life. 

Social Interaction - Offers gossips and debates with friends. Social interaction about what is going on. Talk about the things you have read about and who is featuring and what albums have been shown. 

Monday 18th September 2023 


The MOJO magazine appeals to its target audience by personal identity, information, entertainment, social interaction. Personal identity is shown by using specific music tastes and respects established musicians. Information about Dave Grohl and Elvis. Entertainment is seen by the free gift of a CD. Social interaction is shown by the entertainment and information so you can talk about it with friends and family to discuss the magazine (cover line) or the CD. 

Music Industry: Q1 & Q2 

To understand exam style questions and practise exam technique 


1. Ofcom
2. BBC
3. Broadcasting for the benefit of the public 
4. Convergence 
5. Diversification 
6. Conglomerate 


4 marks 

Music radio stations can meet the requirements of the public service broadcasting by using different ways to entertain their large audience of 15-29 year olds. Radio 1 does this by using a wide variation of music genres, and also talking about teenage mental health and issues. They also feature new emerging artists to help them start in the industry. This is part of the Radio 1 PSB remit. 

Music videos: Teenage Dirtbag 

Representations: Teenagers 

- American High school life
- Popular boy 
- Popular girl
- Nerd / Loser
- Prom
- Stereotypical 

Sk8er Boi 

Representations: Teenagers 

- City 
- Rebellious 
- Punk / Indie 
- Skater look
- Romance ( doesn't work out) 

 Music videos create representations that differ from each other. Teenage Dirtbag and Sk8er Boi both contrast from each other by the use of teenagers. In teenage dirtbag the teenagers are stereotypical with the use of the popular girl, jocks and the loser in an American high school. However, in Sk8er Boi the teenagers are seen as rebellious and punk / indie. These two representations opposite from each other by the use of different stereotypical teenagers. These are both stereotypical by having the skater teenagers be more rebellious and naughty but the high school teenagers be all about the different groups and romance. 

Monday 25th September 2023

Do now 

1. Ofcom
2. BBC
3. Broadcasting for the benefit of the public
4. Convergence
5. Diversification
6. Conglomerate 

Music industry Q2 

Two ways MOJO magazines attract their audiences is by the free CD and main image. The free CD attracts their audience because if they like the CD because of the artist and genre. It will allow them to listen to the music and continue buying their magazines and enjoy the CDS. Also, if they aren't sure about the genre if gives the audience a chance to listen.  and what the magazine is about they are most likely to buy it. This links into my second point of main image, if they like the artist on the front cover, it will increase their interest of the magazine making them want to buy and read it. These two ways attract the audience by putting artists on there that an audience will like and encourage them to want to read and listen. 

3/4 marks. 

Music industry Q3: Radio 

The BBC Radio has to provide a wider range of content then commercial to meet the remit. The main aims of commercial radio is to make money by advertising to get a mass audience. BBC Radio is funded through TV license meaning they don't need to advertise to make money but they create a bigger audience by meeting the remit of such things as live music targeting 15-29 year olds and providing a mix of music and speech.
One requirement of the remit of the BBC Radio is by targeting 15-29 year olds through slang which is typically used by that age range. For example in the Live Lounge, in Stormzy's interview slang such as 'proper good' and 'big up' came up. This meets the remit by targeting 15-29 year olds with providing a radio where they can listen and enjoy. Commercial radio doesn't do this as their aim is to just make money and get a bigger audience, however BBC Radio does because they don't have to aim to get money because they get it from the TV license meaning their only interest is to make the audience enjoy. 
Another example of how The live Lounge has met the remit is providing music and speech. The age range is stereotypically into newer music, the Live Lounge does this by using artists like Lizzo or Stormzy. Using speech will also interest this age group by talking about things that relate to the audience. The Live Lounge does this by speaking about mental health or exams.

Monday 2nd October 2023 

Do Now

1. Media Language - Mise en scene - camera, sound editing 
                                - Mise en scene photo - text, layout, type, font 
2. Industry - Business 
3. Audience - The people who see, read the media. 
4. Representation - Stereotypes, present to an audience 
5. Context - What is going on at that time 

Teenage Dirtbag - representations

- American high school stereotypes

- Popular girl - close up and slow motion, make up and hair done, tight fitting clothing. 

- Loser - Shot reverse shot of people putting 'L' on their heads. Scruffy clothing, falls over with zooming out shot. 

- Jock - Close up smile, sporty clothing, In the front of the 3 jocks, dating the popular girl. 

Sk8er Boi - Representations 

Avril Lavigne  - respected - low angle shot , illegal gig (on top of a car in the middle of the road) - mise en scene

Rebellious teenagers - Graffiti, littering, bmx - jumping in the buildings.

Editing - Face pace, hand held, emphasises realism - reckless

In Teenage dirtbag and Sk8er boi we see a contrast of representations in these music videos. In teenage dirtbag the representation is an American high school with jocks, loser and a popular girl. This is seen by the girl being sen in a close up shot in slow motion wit her hair and make up done. The jocks are seen as big, strong and sporty. They walk in the hallway and everyone moves out the way presenting them as "in charge of the school". The loser is seen wearing scruffy clothes, a shot reverse shot is seen when people put an "L" to their heads at the loser, as well as him falling over and everyone ignores him as there is a zooming out camera shot. 
However in Sk8er Boi, Avril Lavigne is seen as rebellious by doing an illegal gig in the middle of the street on top of a car. She also wears scruffy, baggy clothing. The teenagers are represented as reckless in the music video by showing them littering, graffitiing and on bmx's in buildings. This contrasts the two music videos because it gives two contrasted opinions of teenagers. One side of rebel and another side of stereotypical school life. 

Another way Teenage dirtbag and Sk8er Boi contrast in the videos is the camera shots in both music videos. In teenage dirtbag, we see camera shots of the loser being pushed over and the camera zooming out and reveals everyone ignoring him. This gives a representation of how he feels and focusing on the bad life of the loser. There is also a close up shot of the popular girl in slow motion presenting her as the main character. 
However, in Sk8er Boi we see realistic hand held camera shots to emphasis the realism of the music video. it increases the past of the music video and shows the recklessness of the teenagers. We see this when they are doing their illegal gig, it makes it look like someone is there and recording it for themselves showing the realism of the video. 
These two different camera shots show two different contrasted ideas of their lives. In teenage dirtbag is shows how they feel and stereotypical school life. Sk8er Boi shows the realism of a rebellious teenager. 

Monday 9th October 2023 

Music industry - Q4

To explore the exam style questions and practise exam techniques for Q4 focusing on media language and representation 

Do Now

1. Mise en scene - costume, props, makeup, setting
2. Editing - how the shots are place together, fast paced, shot reverse shot, effects - slow motion 
3. Camera work - camera shots, angles and movements used
4. Sound - non-diegetic sound, diegetic sound, music, ambient sound
6. Narrative - linear story, performance story, non-linear story

Q4: Analyse the representation of musicians in the extract from mojo magazines 

Media language:

- Black and white colour - older - tradition classic artist - seriousness

- close up - facial expression - reveal emotions 

- text - lexis - "arise" "Dark knight" "Saving his soul" "Surviving" 

- Depressed - Troubled past - Questioning his path

The representation in the mojo magazine cover are that of a depressed individual who has a trouble past who's questioning his path. This is proven with the cover lines "Arise" "Dark knight" 
"Saving his soul" and "Surviving". The colour of the cover is black and white and the close up shot reveals his emotions and shows seriousness. 

Media Language:

- Black and white colour - older - seriousness 

- Text - "murder ballads"

The representation of gender is clear in the use of media language through the close up shot and the dark colours surrounding the man. This shows him to be masculine and portraying him as a stereotypical man. The mise en scene used to put the man in masculine clothes to represent his gender. 

Monday 30th October 2023 

To explore the exam style questions and practise exam techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and representations. 

'Babyboomer' Generation - A person born in the years following the Second World War, when there was a temporary marked increase in birth rate

Diversification -  The process of varying products 

Audience Address - How the text speaks to the audience, and involves and influences. 

Discerning - Having or showing good judgement 

House style - A companies preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material

Codes and conventions - Camerawork, Editing, Audio and Lighting.

Intertextuality - Intertextuality is the shaping of a text's meaning by another text, either through deliberate compositional strategies such as quotation, allusion, calque, plagiarism, translation, pastiche or parody, or by interconnections between similar or related works perceived by an audience or reader of the text.

Layout -  The way something is designed, arranged, or laid out

Typography - Using bold, large text to convey a particular message to the reader to set a theme and mood in an advertisement

Colour palette - The choice of colours used in various artistic and design contexts

Monday 6th November 2023 

Music Industry - Q5 

To explore the exam style questions and practise exam techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and representation 

Do now 

1. Baby Boomer generation - A person born in the following the Second World War. 
2. Diversification - Process of varying products 
3. Audience address - How the text speaks to the audience 
4. Discerning - Showing good judgement 
5. House style - A company's preferred manner of presentation layout of written material 

Context - gender roles, attitudes to sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity culture, consumerism 

Codes and conventions - What we expect to see 

1. Medium long shot 
2. David Bowie 
3. Pink, Yellow, Purple, Blue, White - pastel, feminine, saturated 
4. The Byrds, The Beatles, Millie Jackson, Wayne Kramer, John Coltrane, David Bowie
5. Uppercase, Sans-serif (shadow), bold
6. Uppercase, Sans-serif, different colours 
7, Uppercase, Sans-serif, Bold, Black and white 
8. Black and white on pink, Uppercase, serif
9. Pink and white, Same as puff, Sans-serif
10. Layout and text placement fit genre codes and conventions 

Main cover lines: 
The main cover line features uppercase, Sans-serif font, with different colours that feature in the colour palette of the magazine. 
The colour use of pink shows stereotypically his feminine side by the use of that colour as well as in bold, bigger then any other word. The lexis 'coolest' shows he is well respected all over the world. The 'untold story' encourages people who love his music to buy the magazine to find out the story. 

In contrast to Mojo magazine the Wire, the main cover lines are very different. The use of colours are different, the Wire uses one plain colour (white), however, Mojo uses pink, black, white which is more saturates then the wire, able to catch peoples eye and seem more interesting. The Wire uses san-serif but in lowercase, making it seem less powerful then Mojo, which uses uppercase to encourage people to buy the magazine because it seems fun and entertaining  compared to the Wire. 

Monday 13th November 2023 

To research the case study
Annotate in detail the examples from the case study 

1. Who owns Radio 1? BBC
2. Who funds the BBC? TV License 
3. Who regulates radio? Ofcom 
4. What is PSB radio? Public service broadcasting - for the benefit of the public 
5. Two types of radio: Commercial and PSB 

Commercial - Make money from adverts 

Songs: original & cover 
Dive - her song, cover - Beyonce - Cuff it. 
24th October 

Guest Info: 
Olivia Dean 24
Worked with Rudimental before, her first solo number on the live lounge 

Quotes from the show to remember: 
'man' 'not my first rodeo' 'collab'

Appeal to TA

Inform, entertain & educate 
Standing ovation for her performance, entertaining through her live music, live band with her

Innovative & cutting edge new UK music 
New music for Jungle in between - UK Band 

Appeals to 15 - 29 year olds

It appeals by playing new upcoming artists

What kind of audience is targeted? 15-29

How else do radio 1 appeal to audience? Playing recent music, slang

How is commercial radio different? They create money using adverts 

Who are their audience? Commercial audience is a mass audience 

How does the LL meet the remit? Uses live recent songs, upcoming artists, informs, entertains and educates 

Example: Olivia Dean 

Monday 20th November 2023 

Music Industry: Q5 

To explore the exam style question for music magazine and music video

1. Genre codes - Type of magazine / music video / radio with signs of wha it is for example - masthead
2. Intertextuality -  Reference to another media text e.g. Batman 
3. Typography - Type of fonts, size, style e.g. serif
4. Connotations -  Meaning , Analysis 
5. Lexis - Words 
6. Contextual issues in magazines today - technological focus: phones, internet, celebrity

Female, young, revealing clothing, direct audience address in image.
Mid shot.
Yellow - warm, saturated, golden - gives the idea of respect and wealth. 
Sans-serif - modern, lowercase, relaxed, informal, colloquial 
Simplified - relaxed, informal

Male - young, covered suit x4. 
Mid shot. 
No direct address.
Performance shot - focus on live / good music.
No sexualisation.
Saturated, Bright, Rainbow - reflects 1960s. 
Uppercase - shouting
Cluttered - Lots of information 

Media language is used differently in both covers, in billboard the main image is of a young female, with revealing clothing suggesting she is admired and desired for her beauty. She is also represented as wealthy and respected by the golden tone of the background. However, in MOJO the main image is of four young men in suits covering their whole body suggesting they are respected no matter what they are wearing. 

Another way media language is different in both covers is by the font and layout. In billboard, the font is sans-serif, modern, lowercase and simplified. However, in MOJO the layout is cluttered and uppercase as if is shouting but billboard is more calm with just yellow, white and black. This could be to centre the attention on her. In MOJO, there is a wide range of colours making the magazine itself stand out.

In conclusion, MOJO and billboard are very different because of the way the are represented by their gender.

Music Videos 

Teenage Dirtbag 

- Popular group - ' jocks ' 
     - mise en scene 
          - shot
          - costume
          - editing 

- Geeks - not respected 
       - bullies victims 

Sk8er Boi

Teenagers representation: 
Female lead - context - equality 

Setting - City 
     - Graffiti
     - Abandoned buildings
     - Litter

Media Language:

- Mise en scene 
   - Clothing
   - Setting
   - Props
   - Facial Expressions 

- Shots
   - Angles 

- Editing 
- Sounds 

- Narrative 


  1. 17/4- Excellent work today, missing the concluding sentence.

  2. 5/6- Good notes for today. T: 1. Pick out key examples of media language to analyse and link to audience appeal.

  3. 18/9- Great work today and brilliant answers for Q2. T: keep practicing applying U&G theory to texts.

  4. 10/10- Good start, T: 1. Answer the question on representations created for gender and give more examples

  5. 20/11- Great paragraphs here, well done. T: 3. Another analysis paragraph needed for your response from the notes we made.


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