Lights, camera, action

 Monday 1st November 2021

Light camera action

To apply narrative theory to our own ideas

1. Sex in the city 


Todorovs narrative

Equilibrium - one of the stages in the theory of narrative structure by Todrov. In this stage, it is explained about the condition that happens with the character. The condition where the main character having a normal life and still able to do the daily activities that the character usually does. 

Disruption - something goes wrong 

Recognition of disruption - the change that occurs when new digital technologies and business models affect the value proposition of existing goods and services. 

Attempt to solve the problem

New equilibrium - Back to new normal 

Task 1 

Equilibrium -  everything is normal. Popular girl at school with lots of friends. She is 16 and goes to a lot of party's at night. 

Disruption - She spots the same man everywhere she goes and stops going out most of the time

Recognition - All her friends start to notice it and she stops going out completely 

Attempt - Tells the police but they don't manage to find them

New equilibrium - She finds the stalker herself

Task 2 

Lesson 4 
Monday 15th November 2021 
Lights camera action

To explore the use of camera work in films

Extreme close up
To show detail of emotion such as extreme close up on eyes if they are crying. 
Close up
To show facial expressions and emotions. 
Medium close up
To help the audience to register the subjects emotions and facial expression while also showcasing the background. 
Mid Shot 
To emphasize both the actor and their surroundings by giving them an equal presence on screen.  
Long shot
Showing the subject from a distance emphasizing place and location. 

Establishing shot 
Lets the audience know the setting for the scene they're about to watch.
Aerial shot
Low angle shot
High angle shot
Canted angle 
Point of view shot 
Over the shoulder shot 

Camera Movement 

1. Movement of the camera either up or down - Pedestal 
2. Movement of the camera from side to side - Pan 
3. Movement of the camera and tripod from left to right - Panning 
4. Movement of the camera and tripod towards and away from the subject - Dolly
5. A shot of one eye on a persons face - 
6. A shot showing all of a persons body - Full shot 
7. A shot from the waist to the top of the head - A medium shot
8. An extreme long shot of a building or setting - An extreme long shot 
9. A shot from the window of an airplane - POV shot 
10.  A shot looking up at something/someone - Low angle shot 
Close up

Monday 29th November 

Lesson 5:   Setting and colour 

To explore the use of setting and colour in films. 


An isolated house in a rural setting for a horror film - The director might choose this setting because it will create suspension. The house could be abandoned and away from other things. This will also fear the audience because of the character will have no source of help. 

A big city for an action film - The director might choose this because it has lots of different locations for the characters and will be more intense because there is a lot more going on as well as the action such s a car chase. 

A small seaside town for a romantic comedy - The director might choose this setting because it is calm and not busy making it more quiet and romantic with a small amount of noise. 

A range of different countries for an action adventure film - The director might choose this setting because it shows a lot of different locations and cultures.  

A large modern science laboratory for a science-fiction film - The director might choose this setting because it is science based


Blue and red for a new superhero costume - Stands out 

A black suit for a villain - Dark colours for a violent person 

Bright colours for a comedy film - To show its a comedy, you wouldn't use black to show its a comedy. 

Avengers Endgame Trailer 

1. The action takes place in a few different places - Fields, City's, Inside buildings, Space, Museum, Harbour, Church, Fantasy Landscape, Forest, Office, Isolated house and Another World. 
2. I think the film is set in these places so that the audience doesn't get bored of one location, so there can be more things happening in different place. 
3. The setting changes gradually after every different scenes with different people.  
4. The settings affect the characters by the scene around them and what is happening. 
5. You could tell where the story is taking place by the camera shot, like a establishing shot. 
6. The same story couldn't of happened in a different place because it wouldn't of given the same energy or excitement 
7. The story is taken place in lots of different locations, like citys or a fantasy world
8. The clues to tell us the story is in the future because of the robotic costumes with powers and unrealistic worlds

I am legend looks like an action film because the man on the front cover has a gun in his bag and the setting.
28 Days later looks like a horror because the colour scheme is red and the character and location is in black. 
Raiders of the lost ark looks like an action because it has lots of different characters and locations with weapons. 

The colours for the science-fiction film i would use is white and light green because the white represents a futuristic chemical lab and the green would represent the things found in a chemical lab like aliens or substances. 
The setting would be a scientific lab for the scientists and the villain would be set in the woods with a abandoned science lab. 



To explore different styles in photography 

The setting would be a scientific lab for the scientists to do work and the villain's setting would also be a science lab but it would be abandoned and isolated from any one else to keep it secret in the woods. 



Nature pattern 

Star hands 

Looking up

Ground level


reflection - make the reflection more visible / we used a puddle 

nature pattern - focus on the nature more / you could only see the nature in the back round 
star hands - make more of a star shape / we used a chair to focus on our hands 

looking up - put the camera angle more upwards / we used bushes in the back

ground level - make the camera straight / it focused on the nature well

Monday 10th January 2022
Sounds in films 
To explore the sound and use in films 

1. scary infrasound, screaming, whispering, children, howling, wind, lightning, thunder
2. diegetic, shouting, heavy breathing, vehicles, gun shots 
3. mix of disco and funk, shouting, dark scary plot
4. comedy music, laughing, running, talking, happy plot 

diegetic - sounds you would hear if you were in the scene -  someone speaking, footsteps, radio music 
non-diegetic - sounds that only the audience can hear - narration, internal dialogue, music 

trailer - non-diegetic and diegetic  
diegetic - punches, music, 
non-diegetic - speaking

- Foley is the reproduction of everyday sounds for use in filmmaking 
- These reproduced sounds can be anything from the swishing of clothing and footsteps to squeaky doors and breaking glass
- It helps to create a sense of reality within the scene. Without these crucial background noises, movies feel unnaturally quiet and uncomfortable 

Gun shots, clicking of controller, door opening and closing, speaking, box being put down, telephone, opening of box, puppy barks, throwing box, boy speaking, banging into cupboard, ball rolling and hitting the ball, dog falling in box, banging, huffing, dog rolling around on floor, boy walking with crutches, door opening and closing, boy shouting, boy and dog playing with ball

1. Yes, there is music
2. The music makes me feel dramatic
3. When the scenes change quickly onto dramatic scenes
4. The scenes

sound affects; Breaking glass and tables

Monday 7th February 2022

To experiment with foley and sound effects

1. props - golden chair, candle, panel wall, food, table
2. costume - pirates, old fashion navy
3. facial expression & body language - happy, see lots of expensive things and food
4. lighting - candles bring light into the room
5. position/objects - characters have weapons to make them look scary

Creative Task 

1. setting - lab, clean, dissection table
2. props - microscopes, computers, high tech machinery
3. costume - white clean lab coat
4. facial expression - surprised, interested, focused  
5. lighting - bright lights

Clip 1 

Talking, tv, teeth cleaning, toilet flush, sigh, closing cabinet, spoon tapping on cup, jam being spread on toast,  draw opening, moving knifes, sliding the milk back into fridge, closing fridge

you could make a clock sound by ticking your tongue 
you could make a sound of someone jumping by dropping shoes on the floor

Monday 28th February 2022

To explore the disaster movie genre 

 Disaster movies 

I am picking the disaster movie Godzilla. 
Godzilla is an enormous, destructive, prehistoric sea monster awakened and empowered by nuclear radiation. With the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Lucky Dragon 5 incident still fresh in the Japanese consciousness, Godzilla was conceived as a metaphor for nuclear weapons. 

My disaster movies 
Jurrasic World 

Jurrasic world 
A new theme park, built on the original site of Jurassic World, creates a genetically modified hybrid dinosaur, the Indominus Rex, which escapes containment and goes on a killing spree. 

1. The main character of this film is Chris Pratt playing Owen Grady

A freak tsunami traps shoppers at a coastal Australian supermarket inside the building - along with a 12- foot Great White Sharks. 

1. The main character is Edward Rowe playing as Martin Ward. 

The world is beset by the appearance of monstrous creatures, but one of them may be the only one who can save humanity 

1. The main character is Godzilla. 

1. The main character in those films are mostly male.
2. None of the movies have the main character to try and save a family member.
3. Godzilla is an alien attack disaster.
4. Owen Grady survives the dinosaur attack
5. Owen uses a motorbike 
6. All films involve animals / creatures 
Main Character - Male - John 
Disaster - Ufo - Alien Attack
3 main characters - John, Alien Steve, Clare 
John and Clare run away and try to escape from the disaster 
John kills the aliens 
Aliens die and everyone is saved 

Monday 14 March 2022

My Disaster Movie 

To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie

1. The day after tomorrow 
2. 2012
3. The impossible 
4. War of the worlds 
5. Godzilla 
6. Twister 

Trailer 1 - Crawl 
1. Main Character - Haley Keller played by Kaya Scodelario 
2. Setting - Flooding house
3. Actions - Trying to survive from alligator 
4. Props - Boat, Flash lights, Shovel
5. Colour - dull, very dark, flooded house, dirty water. 
6. Narrative - Flooded house with raging alligator trying to kill characters and have to try to survive and escape

Trailer 2 - Godzilla vs Kong 
1. Main character - Jai played by Kaylee Hottle / Godzilla 
2. Setting - Filmed in Hawii, Australia and HongKong 
3. Actions - Fighting between Godzilla and Kong
4. Props - city buildings, boat, 
5. Colour - Lots of bright colour and dull scenes too. 
6. Narrative - Godzilla is trapped and Godzilla and Kong fight and godzilla tries to save everyone and has a strong bond with Jai.

Trailer 3 - The impossible 
1. Main Character - Maria played by Naomi Watts, Henry played by Ewan Mcgregor
2. Setting - Island 
3. Actions - Tsunami 
4. Props - 
5. Colour - Bright natural colour 
6. Narrative - Tsunami on Island and everyone tries to survive 

Trailer 4 - Ad Astra 
1. Main Character - Brad Pitt playing Roy Mcbride 
2. Setting - Santa Clarita, California USA 
3. Action - Flying to the moon 
4. Props 
5. Colour - Dull 
6. Narrative - Brad flies to the moon 
My Disaster Movie 

Main Character - Male, 22, John
Disaster - Ufo alien Attack 
3 Characters - John, Clare (Johns wife) '

Alien Invasion 

1. Aliens attack Earth with giant ufo. The ufo believers head towards the disaster hoping to make friends and educate the aliens. The aliens capture them and do experiences on Clare and ends up killing her but Steve and John manage to communicate and make friends. The aliens have already destroyed 6 cities but they eventually stop.

2. Its set in Tokyo - Set in the future, unhappy future, skyscrapers and future buildings used with technology. 

3. Overall Mood of film - Everyone in robotic costumes and very into technology. 

4. How film will be shot - CGI and special effects to make the aliens and ufo look realistic with bright colours and make it very science fiction and realistic. 

5. Message behind film - To be careful with what your doing and keep humanity real instead of technology taking over. 

Monday 28th March 2022

Narrative Theory 
My disaster Movie 

To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 


equilibrium - Everything is normal and Clare, Steve and John are living together in a flat in Tokyo. Set in future. 
disruption - Giant ufo lands in Tokyo in a field and they go too check it out as they are alien believers. 
recognition - The aliens capture them and they have to fight their ay out and Clare gets put in for experiments and dies. John does not go but gives Steve a rock. Steve does not think its useful but takes it anyway.                                   
Attempting to solve - Steve try to make the aliens friendly and educate them and be friends but they have already destroyed 6 cities and they try to attack Steve but he uses the rock to help him. 
new equilibrium - humans and aliens live together and aliens eventually take over the world. 

Setting - Tokyo. Set in unhappy future and technology based world. Clare, Steve and John are living in a flat in Tokyo. In 2218. Technology took over the world. 

The hero - Steve, Clare's husband 
The villain - The aliens, Tries to take over world
The Donor - John, Steve's best friend
The Helper - The rock, Helps Steve to fight against the aliens when he is in danger. 
The princess - The world, The aliens planned to destroy and take over the world. 
The dispatcher - John, Does not go with Steve but tells him to take the rock and go.
The princess father - John, Tells Steve and Clare to go. 
The false hero - Clare, Tries to help Steve but dies in experiments. Steve's wife.

Monday 25th April 2022

To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 

Someone acting out that they are hungry. 

Someone acting as if they lost their cat

Someone who is acting out they are late for school

Someone who is acting tired

Someone who is acting annoyed 

Scene Heading: Set In the ufo.
Action: Steve is about to die and tells clare to escape without him 
Dialogue: "go without me i want you to be safe" 
Character Names: Steve, Clare 
How they said it: whispered in fear

Monday 23rd May 2022

To develop an effective film marketing strategy 

You normally see film posters in movie theatre, social media and shops.

People put film posters places where most people will see them.

On a film poster you will see a title, main image, actor names, release date. 

The poster suggests that it is disaster movie by including the disaster on the movie poster. It contains a title, 3 images, actor names and cover lines. The word impossible suggests it is unbelievable and scary. You can see the disaster in one of the main images, this means you can tell something bad happens in the movie and the other image shows the characters get hurt in some way as she has cuts, mud and bruises on their faces and neck. 'Separated by disaster driven by hope' this suggests the disaster was something bad as they had to separate to survive and had to hope to be reconnected with their family. 

Monday 13th June 2022

To create film marketing material 

Movie Marketing 

Conventions in movies - Title of movie, Main Image that signifies what genre the movie is, Release Date, Tag Line, Actors or directors

I am pleased with this because of how the writing and picture match and it all goes well with my story. I could Improve by putting more writing on it and making it bold and stand out. You use genre conventions by making a tag line which shows what genre the movie is. I used poster layout conventions by putting the title, Release Date, Tag Line and Actor Names. I would like to know how to change the texture of the text on photoshop. 

Monday 27th June 2022


To develop an effective trailer 

My Trailer 


1. use of graphics - 


  1. 4/1/22- Great shots here, T: 2. more style types explored.

  2. 15/3- Great overall ideas that fit well together. T: 1. More detail in summary of your storyline:
    2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set

  3. 25/4- T: 1. Have a go at putting your ideas for one scene into a script format.

  4. 23/5- Good work today. T1: explore the connotations (what is suggested) of the analysis points that you made about the poster.

  5. 27/6- Good start to your storyboard. 2. Now complete the last 4 frames to finish your trailer, don't forget the title slide and the release date, also have you given too much away about the end of your film? Do you need to change any sections?


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