
 Wednesday 15th November 2023

Industries and Audiences 

To research the history, companies and regulations in the television industry 

Publicly owned TV Channel - Funded by government and license fees for the public service.

Commercial TV Channel - Funded through advertising.

Convergence - Process of joining different technologies into one device e.g. Mobile phones. 

Watershed - Times when adult content (15+) can be shown. Between 9pm and 5:30am. 

Segmented Market - Audience divided into different groups depending on taste and interest. 

Mainstream - Mass audience: the ideas, attitudes or activities that are shared by most people and regarded as normal or conventional.

Self regulating - Not regulated by outside bodies (internet)

Franchise - License from company of a product to use format/show/ideas. 

Channel - surfing -  Changing frequently from one program to another on a television, watching each one for only a short time. 

PSB - Public service broadcasting; regulators demand channels fulfil certain requirements as part of their license to broadcast. 

TV License - Any household or business watching, recording live broadcasts require to pay a license fee. Funds the BBC. 

Scheduling - Deciding which shows to show at which times. 

Conglomerate - A company that owns several smaller businesses whose products or services are usually very different. 

1. The first TV introduced to the UK was in 1936. 

2. In 1965, there were 3 channels, BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV

3. ITV started in 1955 on the 22nd of September 

5. OfCom regulates TV

Wednesday 22nd November 2023 

Television Industries: Ownership and Regulation 

To explore the ownership and regulation of BBC1 & ITV

 Ofcom - regulates TV and Radio. They carry out regular reviews to see that the terrestrial channels (BBC, ITV, C4, C5) are fulfilling their particular PSB requirements 

Royal Charter: Something granted by the Queen / King which guarantees independence and outlines the duties and purposes 

ETHOS: A set of ideas, attitudes and values associated with a particular institution 

BBC's mission, vision and values: 

Our mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain".

 To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them

To support learning for people of all ages

To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services

To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom

To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world

BBC Values:

We have established a set of values for everyone working at the BBC. They represent the expectations we have for ourselves and each other, they guide our day-to-day decisions and the way we behave.

Our values are:

  • AUDIENCES are at the heart of everything we do
  • CREATIVITY is the lifeblood of our organisation
  • TRUST is the foundation of the BBC - we’re independent, impartial and truthful
  • We RESPECT each other - we’re kind, and we champion inclusivity
  • We are ACCOUNTABLE and deliver work of the highest quality
  • We are ONE BBC - we collaborate, learn and grow together

License Fee

- The BBC is funded by the annual license fee which pays for BBC TV, Radio, online content and for developing new programmes. the government sets the level of the license fee. 

It is a criminal offence not to pay for the license fee.  


How else does ITV make money other than advertising? 


Successfully launched in December 2022, ITVX is our free, ad‑funded streaming platform and includes a premium tier (combining our previous offerings of ITV Hub, ITV Hub+ and BritBox UK).

Building on the investments we have made in ITV Hub, BritBox UK, Planet V, and data capabilities, and with a significant increase in content, ITVX is driving strong growth in digital revenues, supported by a step change in streaming viewer metrics.

ITVX transforms our streaming proposition by becoming a content destination rather than just a catch-up service. Advertisers benefit from accessing valuable addressable audiences at scale, and our robust data and analytics capabilities enable us to offer higher-value, data-driven advertising inventory. 

Wednesday 13th December 2023 

TV Audiences 

To explore how audiences consume TV dramas and the appeals 



Normal TV 





Overseen by OFCOM, the watershed is between 9pm and 5:30 am. 

Sub Genres 

Crime - Top Boy 

Period - Peaky Blinders 

Teen - Big Mouth 

Medical - Casualty 

Science - Fiction - Star Trek

Fantasy - Game of Thrones 

Political - West Wings 

Wednesday 10th January 2024 

The 1960's 

Research the social, historical and political context of The Avengers 

5 things that happened between 1961 - 1965 

1961 - The Vietnam War Starts

- 1965 - John Glenn is the first to orbit the Earth

-1964 -The Civil Rights Act is Passed

- 1961 - Berlin Wall is built, dividing East and West Germany.

- Cold war 

- The birth control pill was approved 

Most famous bands: 

- The Beatles 

- The rolling stones 

- The beach boys 

Which political party was in power in 1965? 

Labour Government 

Harold Wilson 

Were illegal drugs, according to the media, a big part of culture? 

They were easier to access and there was a lot more of it 

What wars were fought around the world? 

- Vietnam War 

- Cold war 

What were people protesting about in the UK? 

The Vietnam War, Cold War, free speech, the environment, and racism.

How would life have been different in the 1960s for women, men and different races compared to now in the UK? 

Gender inequality 

Gender Roles


Race inequality 


Espionage -  The practise of spying or using spies.

Both side of the Cold War used espionage to find out what the other side were doing and plant false information. 

People were worried about a nuclear threat that could happen. 

Wednesday 17th January 2024 

The Avengers (1965) 

Research the TV show the Avengers 

1. ITV 

2. Mainstream adult audience 

3. 1961

4. 6 

5. 1969 

6. £56,000 per episode 

Colour TV came in 1963

- Became one of ITVs biggest hits 

- Patrick Macnae - John Steed, Diana Rigg, Emma Peel 

The avengers was scheduled on Saturdays at 9:05pm - peak time.

The 4th series attracted audiences of around 7 million and was often top 10 ratings. 

Wednesday 24th January 2024 

The Avengers: The town of no return 

To explore the narrative, characters and appeal of Series 4, episode 1 


John Steed

Mrs Emma Peel 

Piggy Warren 

Mrs Manson

Tom Smallwood 

Mr Brandon 


Wednesday 31st January 2024

Do Now 

1. Mrs Peel and John steed go to little blazley to see why the agents were killed, find imposters and discover the planned invasions 

2. John Steed

Mrs Emma Peel 

Piggy Warren 

Mrs Manson

Tom Smallwood 

Mr Brandon 

Personal Identity - Women relate to Emma Peel as she is a strong intelligent woman 
                            - Men relate to John Steed as he is traditional and strong 
Information -  Information that women can be independent and strong.
Entertainment  - Enjoy the danger of the heroes' situations 
Social Interaction - Watch it or discuss with friends / families 

The town of no return

to analyse the influence of the social and historical context in series 4, episode 1 

social context

- cold war 

- nuclear war threat

- invasion threat 

the episode was based on invasions 

Wednesday 7th February 2024 

The town of no return

Characters: John Steed

Mrs Emma Peel 

Piggy Warren 

Mrs Manson

Tom Smallwood 

Mr Brandon 


- Small town

- No people

- Near the coast


British stereotypes are shown in this episode such as Steeds suit which was stereotypical for Britian, this season was being seen in America so this would've proved the stereotypes even more. Emma peel suits stereotypes but also breaks them, she is seen in a leather suit and Steed bossed her about. However she also was seen as intelligent and as the main character which would've been unusual to see especially in big episode that was being seen in the UK and America. 

1960 values and attitudes 

Female roles and inequality: 

- Females had a traditional role of staying home, cooking, cleaning and would be lucky to have education 

- Females didn't have the same rights as men such as voting, getting a good job or being seen as intelligent. 

women's rights movement, diverse social movement, largely based in the United States, that in the 1960s and '70s sought equal rights and opportunities and greater personal freedom for women. It coincided with and is recognised as part of the “second wave” of feminism.

Class Structure: 

Upper - Upper class in modern societies is the social class composed of people who hold the highest social status, usually are the wealthiest members of class society, and wield the greatest political power.

Middle - The middle class refers to a class of people in the middle of a social hierarchy, often defined by occupation, income, education, or social status. The term has historically been associated with modernity, capitalism and political debate.

Lower - The working class includes all employees who are compensated with wage or salary-based contracts. Working-class occupations include blue-collar jobs, and most pink-collar jobs.

Changing views on sexuality:

In the 1960s and 1970s, those who preached sexual liberation and sexual freedom adopted the term "free love," and those who opposed a casual sex lifestyle also used the term as prima facie evidence of the immorality of the practice.

Patriarchal society:

In many parts of the world, patriarchal norms mean girls get little or no education, may be married off young, have little or no control over their bodies (whether through access to contraception or abortions) or household income, and will have less digital access than boys.

1. Emma Peel is seen as tough and intelligent by having her a main character and works with a man. She is seen as tough as she is in a fight scene and wins, she also doesn't seem scared when a gun is put to her head which would've been stereotypical for a woman to be frightened. She is seen as intelligent when she finds out most of the clues in working out about the invasion. 

2. Emma Peel is seen as a sex object when she is wearing a leather suit for most of the episode but also when her and Steed are fighting and he slaps her on the bum.

Wednesday 21st February 2024 

Extract Analysis

To explore elements of media language and practise how to analyse the extract 


- shot type

- angle 

- movement




Wednesday 28th February 2024 


Cutting in action can fasten the tension and highlight it to make the action seem scary and make the scenes more dramatic when Steed is getting attacked by the blacksmith with a heated horseshoe.

The speed of editing is increased when Steed is getting attacked to make the audience worried and create tension and make the scene more paced and make it dramatic and create feelings of nervousness and make them want to watch


Diegetic - Sounds that can be heard in the scene 

Non-diegetic - Sounds only the audience can hear 

Non-Diegetic music when she finds the real man and not the imposter that creates tension by using slow music that slowly gets faster which makes the audience feel like something bad is going to happen

Contrapuntal sound when we hear dogs barking but we didn't see any to make the audience scared that she will get caught and shows there is danger nearby

Wednesday 6th March 2024 

To explore extract based questions and how to answer them effectively 

1.  camerawork, editing, sound, mise en scene 

2. 2 examples 

3. 5 marks 

how is camerawork used to create meaning 

In the extract when steed is getting attacked, the blacksmith is seen with a low camera angle to make him seem powerful and scary towards steed and the audience. It makes steed look like he is in danger making the audience worried and creates tension. 


Cutting in action can fasten the tension and highlight it to make the action seem scary and make the scenes more dramatic when Steed is getting attacked by the blacksmith with a heated horseshoe. It creates tension because of the fast pace of the scenes when steed is getting attacked so it makes the audience worry. The scenes increase as the danger gets worse and the scenes happen quickly to make audiences reaction more tense. 

Wednesday 20th March 2024 

Television in the 2010s 

To explore the context of the 2010s and the effect on the tv shows and the audiences 

Do Now 

1. gender sexuality and multiculturalism is more equalised now 

2. we access tv differently because we can have multiple channels and apps and have more then 1 tv in a house stereotypically

3. technology is better and more improved 

Cuffs series 1 episode 1 

- released in 2015

- major shift in attitudes of equality from 1960

- equality act in 2010 

- discrimination is illegal 

- britian was far more multicultural 

- attitudes towards sexuality more accepting 

Wednesday 27th March 2024 


shown on bbc 1 

streamed 8pm before the watershed

ensemble cast

set in brighton 

Wednesday 17th April 2024 

cuffs audience appeal 

to analyse the appeals of tv drama 

hero - police

villain - criminals

donor - chief vickers 

helper - jake

princess - solve crimes

dispatcher - station officer 

false hero - chief vickers 

personal identity - people can relate to someone 

information - learn about police 

entertainment - fun to watch 

social interaction - talk about it 

cuffs and social contexts 

to analyse representation and influence of social and cultural contexts in cuffs 

1. jo moffat is in big authority and tell lower male officers what to do. when they go to get the racist jo tells them where to go and when 

2. jake is gay and no one thinks different of him and is treated the same 

3. jo moffat is seen as more in control then other officers so she isn't seen as weak or scared as feminine characters would normally be seen as 'girly'. 

Wednesday 24th April 2024 

Donna Prager - She is important because she has a role in the police and is seen as being fit. she is seen as more fit then her partner lino who is unfit but a male an example is when they are training and donna and ryan are the only ones training left as lino and jake are tired. this shows she is seen as stronger and fitter then male police officers which would show that women have more authority in tv series in 2015.

jake vickers - he is new, unexperienced and keen and wants to prove himself to ryan and his sexuality is not seen as an issue. this shows being gay in 2015 was not an issue. when he was on the chase he did not know where he was and said the wrong name of the road leading the chase to an issue. 

felix - more emotional then other males in the show which shows that men being emotional was seen more in 2015. being less emotional was seen as more masculine. he is more quiet and reserved showing its not a negative thing having those qualities.

jake - scared, does not know what he is doing , wants to impress but keeps messing up - anti-stereotypical 

lino - unfit, funny, comedy character, determined -stereotypical 

felix - emotional, quiet, reserved - anti-stereotypical 

different ethnicities are accepted: different ethnicities are in the police force like ryan

racism still exists in britian: the criminal is a racist representing some people in britian 

racist group represented negatively: the racist guy is seen as a criminal and gets caught 

Wednesday 8th May 2024 

Media GCSE revision 

To revise key terms and areas for the exam and dirt mock 

synergy - it helps sell each other - two products sold at the same time 

horizontal integration - .when a company own production companies like merch, theme parks, video games.

vertical integration - don't need to share profits with other companies as thy own loads of different companies in the industry like cinemas 

convergence - doing different things on the same thing 

tent pole productions - something guaranteed to be a success 

simultaneous releases - releasing something on different things not just cinema 


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