
 Monday 11th December 2023 

What is News?

To explore the history of the news industry and the genres of newspaper.

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1. Connotations: What is represented 

Purpose of news:

- Entertain

- Inform

- Educate 

- Profit

- Persuade / Influence

200 years ago news was spread through talking and gossip. 

The printing press made it possible to inform everyone about the news by printing it.

Decline in newspapers

Class Divide 



Mid Market: 


- The Mirror 

- The Sun

- The Daily Star

Mid Market:

- Daily Express 


- Daily Telegraph 

- The Guardian 

- The Times

- The Financial times 

Monday 8th January 2024 

1. Educate, inform, profit, entertain

Share news with the public

Monday 15th January 2024 

1. Scotts trust 

2. 71% 

How does media ownership contribute to news bias 

- political opinion

- commercial advertising ties

- business interest 

- profit 

Newspaper gain political and social influence.




Monday 29th January 2024 

Freedom & Regulation 


 protect privacy

hold newspapers to account


press freedom - avoiding bias 

no control 






social media 

Who owns the guardian / observer - Scott Trust Limited

What political stance do they have? Left wing 

How are they regulated? Self regulation 

How do they make money? Sales, advertising, memberships, subscriptions, events, sponsored 

Age  35+

Gender  male and female

where they live  London & south 

social class  middle class

political view  left wing

convergence - become similar or together of two medias 

It applies to the observer so audiences can look at it online and on different websites 

Digital convergence helps the observer to get a wider audience by allowing people to pick what they want to read - endless content 

Monday 5th February 2024 

Media Language 

To investigate how print newspapers use media language to create meaning

sales - sold in shops across the country

subscription - be a member to see news / more news 

advantage of online

- quick

- access more news 

- easier to access

- publish faster 

- don't need to pay for delivery, workers or publish 

- free

- good for environment 

disadvantage of online 

- can't buy it so newspaper cant get money

- need technology to access

Political ideology


Internationalism is a political principle that advocates greater political or economic cooperation among states and nations. It is associated with other political movements and ideologies, but can also reflect a doctrine, belief system, or movement in itself.

Consumerism - buying stuff 

Multiculturalism - appreciating different cultures 

Celebrity culture

Masthead - The Observer 

- Suggests its observing the news 

Date line - Sunday 4th Feb 2024 

- shows when the information was reported and published 

Byline - Toby Helm and Michael Savage 

- shows who the newspaper is by 

Headline - supports labour, 'bombproof' shows they are strong as 'bomb' has a negative and dangerous impact so 'proof' shows they are protecting us

- shows the most interesting news to create a bigger audience  

Subhead - patients sharing trauma of rehab showing the negative news to spread awareness and get a bigger audience showing that a place of help causes trauma. 

organise content to guide readers

Caption - Michelle O'Neill taking place as Northern Irelands first minister 

- describes that specific picture or explains what is happening in the picture


- summarising the article, kicking the reader forward and 'selling' them the content.

Copy - looks at the lexis, suggests it is whether for an educated reader or not. 

makes sure a piece of writing is accurate, clear and correct

Main Image - Shows the reader the story image to create a bigger audience and stands out showing the power of the image, she is seen at a low camera shot and she is female showing her power. 

 - to supplement news stories and for advertisements

Monday 19th February 2024 

Advantages of print newspapers:

- Profit for the industry 

- Don't need technology for access

- Traditional way for older generation 

Disadvantages of print newspapers:

- Pay for it

- Using paper 

- Cost money to produce 

Masthead - Title, observer means to look at every detail 

Navigation Bar - Different topics at the top to click on to appeal to a wider audience 

Stand first - Brief summary about the main newspaper article to interest the reader 

Byline - To show who its by 

Headline - To show what the article is about 

Subhead - Different articles about similar things 

Main image - Biggest and most interesting image 

Minor images - Smaller images about other articles 

Links - Websites to show similar or the article

Pull quote - A brief, attention-catching quotation taken from the main text of an article

Advert - A paying preview of something else on the newspaper so it can get a bigger audience 

Video - Shows a video about the article to create more viewers 

Search bar - To search about more news and provide more news 

Political bias:

Supporting smaller country that needs help

Owned by Guardian Media Group: 

- Newspaper of the year

- Promotes links to GMG

Representations: people, culture, places, race, gender, sexuality, class:

- Ukraine and Russia 

- Falkland Islands

- Egypt 


- Sweden 

- Local

Variety of features:

Choice of text / image placement & size: 

Monday 26th February 2024 

Historical case studies

To evaluate the impact of social, cultural, political and historical contexts on 1960s newspaper 

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1. Typography - How they have arranged the writing (font, size, colour) 

2. Layout - How the elements are being laid out             

3. Lexis - The word choice 

4. Masthead - The title design 

5. Skybox - Section at the top of a newspaper 


Guardian / Observer - The same 

1. Women weren't allowed to file for a divorce until this time 
2. Shows class tension and political context 
3. Shows America is accused of having spies 
4. Shows black and white marriage was unusual 
5. Political and class context 

Monday 4th March 2024

1. Navigation bar - sections at the top 
2. Banner - heading or advertisement  
3. Pull quote - visual element with text 
4. Stand first - summary 
5. Masthead - title 

Lawyers will urge divorce by consent 

women - more rights 

social change

gender equality

staffed by men - law council

Wilson Brown market clash 

political news story 

surrounding Europe relationships 

So polite, this north sea spy game, America accused of spy frame up 

cold war- A cold war is a state of conflict between nations that does not involve direct military action but is pursued primarily through economic and political actions, propaganda, acts of espionage or proxy wars waged by surrogates. This term is most commonly used to refer to the American-Soviet Cold War of 1947–1989.

america soviet union 


spy game - fun 

historical context - fear of invasion 

Vietnam war headlines

human wave attack

hopes rise for cease-fire in Vietnam 

cease-fire - movement to oppose governments - social power - confront government 

Jackie, were very happy 

patriarchal society

US Presidents wife makes second marriage 

Union postpone strike

narrowing different pay between men and women

strikes - increase in social power 

Barbara Castle - female politician - only female with power 

social change 

Britain shoots a gold 

anti-racism movement 

black power protest 

unselfconscious use of the term "negro" 

Stephen pollock with Elizebeth Vambe, 21, a Rhodesian - born in Africa, after their marriage yesterday 

mixed marriage 

unusual to be newsworthy 

white culture 

Monday 11th march 2024 

Historical case studies 

To evaluate the impact of social, cultural, political and historical contexts on 1960s newspaper . To structure an exam style response 

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explain how broadsheet newspapers reflect the time and historic contexts in which they were published. refer to the observer front page from october 20th 1968 that you have studied to support your answer 

the observer cover from the 1960s reflects the racism in that time period. an example of this is in the headline 'britian shoots for gold' this clearly indicates that in society in the 1960s we saw more racism which was acceptable back then and how it was used in everyday newspaper. the interview explains that lee evans states 'i wouldnt of won a scholarship to go to university if i didnt run fast' showing he cannot get an education without being athletic, showing that they can only get an education for being sporty which reflects the racism in society and inequality in race. newspapers reflect the time of their production and the contextual issues that are in that time. 

Monday 18th March 2024 

Exam Format

To explore the exam format and content for the news unit 

q6. globalisation 

q7. print attracts older audience because they may like the traditional way of reading newspapers. 
Some people may not have internet access because of money, and therefore might prefer print. 

q8. female - gender, race - represented as strong and powerful 
the under represented social group on the cover of the observer is gender because of the female in the skybox who has 'shamed the bbc' she is seen as smiling in the image which represents her power and confidence because she has shamed a big company. this is under represented because women are normally seen as weak and powerless. 

l - media language 
i - industry
a - audience
r - representation 

genre - type of newspaper

the media language of the observer reflects the genre conventions of a broadsheet newspaper 

Monday 25th March 2024 

guided practise 

do now

1. images, some text
2. one image, lots of text 
3. observer broadsheet

the observer cover reflects generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper through the use of media language including the masthead and image. 

an example of this would be the formal masthead. the masthead is in bold serif with both capital and lower case letters in black and white. this shows its serious news by using a traditional element of serif. upper and lowercase is also a formal element to news. therefore it is clearly evident that the observer does use media language to reflect the generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper. 

the image is a mid shot at a press conference with a staged photo opportunity with rishi sunak and american politician. the image is positive with their body language being smiling and shaking hands. their suits are also formal which links it onto being hard news as it is about politics which is expected in the broadsheet industry. therefore it is clearly evident that the observer does use media language to reflect the generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper 

uk and usa are working together and have done throughout such as ww1 and ww2. the flags of each country shows a union between them both, showing a big power. 

Monday 15th April 2024


To reflect on the exam and identify areas to improve 

contexts of 1960s - cold war , racism , patriarchy 

contexts now - war ( Ukraine , Russia ) , accepting - race , sexuality 

q6 - age
q7 - where they are located - only regulate in your country , internet is quick so you can't regulate it as fast 
q8 - several news stories in multiple columns which is what a broadsheet has to educate more educated people , one main image which is what a broadsheet has to fit all multiple stories in, the image is normally quite serious. 
q9 - introduction and conclusion  
the representations of the cover are typical for the observer. the main image is representing people as equal. the image shows a picture of Serena Williams and Andy Murray which represents the equality of the recent years, it doesn't sexualise Serena either so equality has changed as in the 1960s newspapers would have sexualised images of women. it also shows equality of race as you wouldn't see a coloured person on the newspaper, it represents the change of the world in recent years and how it is more equalised in race and gender. this representation of equality is typical of the observer as it is seen across all different observer newspapers. 
q10 - poor photography
more writing on the front page 

Monday 22nd April 

Exam format 

to explore the exam format and content for news unit 

what are beliefs and values? left wing - change , progress , equality 

conventions of broadsheet - lots of copy , complex lexis , limited images , serif 



lots of images
lots of text 
colour palette 


celebrity culture 
gender roles

The observer cover reflects generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper. an example of this is the columns of text. this clearly indicates that the observer establishes itself as a broadsheet as the amount of copy used throughout the columns of text within the front page of the newspaper, as in a broadsheet is is seen that they always have a lot of copy on the front page to provide celebrity culture, lifestyle, gender roles and democracy therefore it is clearly evident that the observer does use media language to reflect the generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper. 

The observer cover does not reflect generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper. an example of this is images. this clearly indicates that the observer establishes itself as a tabloid newspaper. this image shows raye a celebrity female. the main image shows untraditional stereotypes of a white male as raye is a famous black singer. this represents the newspaper as showing multiculturalism, celebrity culture and gender roles because it is in the left wing which represents change , equality and progress. therefore it is clearly evident that the observer does use media language to reflect the generic conventions of a broadsheet. 

The observer cover does not reflect generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper. an example of this is the layout. this clearly indicates that the observer establishes itself as a tabloid newspaper. the layout is seen more as a tabloid due to the skybox and colour palette. the skybox in broadsheet newspapers are normally once colour and about one thing however in the observer it is all about different lifestyles and the colour palette is yellow, blue and pink. 


  1. 8/1/24- Great work from the first lesson, read through what you missed today and make a few notes on the slides.

  2. 5/2- Good answers- 3/4- T: use full sentences and fully explain for full marks.

  3. 22/4- Very good structure, T: the use of image is like a broadsheet, the use of colour in the skybox you could argue is more of a tabloid trait.


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